23 Stress Relieving Tips for Moms

It can be hard to find time for yourself when you are constantly busy as a mom. I know, because as a mom of four, I’ve been there done that. It’s not always easy to do the steps that relieve your stress.
So in this article, I’m making it super easy to choose any one of the stress relieving tips and use them today.
You will learn 23 strategies for reducing stress as a mom so that you can stay healthy and happy both inside and out, because you deserve that and more.
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Here are 23 Stress Relieving Tips that You Can Do Today
1. Take deep breaths
We know that stress can cause you to feel overwhelmed. But we also know how powerful the breath can be. I recommend taking a few minutes during the day, even if it’s 3 minutes, to do some breath work to keep you feeling grounded inside. If you haven’t done meditation before, I introduce a meditation episode that gets you started quickly.
Even something as simple as slow breathing can help calm you down and reduce some of the tension in your body.
2. Make a list of what’s causing your stress and prioritize them.
Write down everything stressing you out on a piece of paper, then rate each item with an A-F (or 1-10) based on how much they’re affecting you right now. Once you’ve listed them out, do whatever works best for you to take care of items with the highest grade first, whether that means for more time by yourself, fewer duties, saying no more, or saying yes more to things that help you feel your best.
3. Exercise regularly to release tension.
Physical activity (any because it really doesn’t matter which one you do, as long as you fit it into your mom life) is critical for reducing stress as it stimulates the release of endorphins, which are chemicals that can elevate your mood.
Unless you like it, you don’t have to do high-intensity activities either – just try out some simple yoga moves at home or take a fifteen-minute walk every day.
4. Eat healthy foods that will help you feel better.
Do you know why overwhelmed moms reach for the quickest, fastest carbs they can get a hold of? It’s because our bodies need carbs to create seratonin. And our bodies know this — so tries to get it as quickly as possible! But, instead of reaching for a bag of potato chips when you’re feeling stressed (been there, my go-to is Haribo gummy bears, but I’m working on that!), grab an apple or some carrot sticks instead.
Healthy carbohydrates can boost your serotonin levels and make you feel more relaxed throughout the day. In addition, these foods also work to regulate your blood sugar levels which helps reduce irritability. I also recommend adding a good source of protein whenever you’re eating carbs.
5. Learn how to say no without feeling guilty or obligated.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of unnecessary stress you can remove from your life by changing “yes” to “no”. I invite you to advocate to for yourself and not allow others to take more of your time and energy than you have to give.
Saying no can be hard at first, but it will become second nature once you do it more often.
6. Spend time with friends who make you happy.
Stress can make us feel very isolated in our thoughts, so try doing something fun with friends every week or two, like going for a nature walk, playing games, or having a lovely lunch date with a good friend.
Laughter and being around happiness are always the best medicine when it comes to alleviating stress, so send your friends a text right now to set up a get-together.
7. Sleep well for 8 hours each night so your body can do its job in restoring.
Sleep is essential for fighting stress, so make sure you’re sleeping at least eight hours every night. While sleeping, your body actively repairs damaged cells and recovering from tissue injuries, so you must get enough shut-eye.
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8. Drink lots of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and energized.
Forgetting to drink water might be one of the easiest ways to feel overwhelmed in your mom life, but staying hydrated will give you more energy throughout the day. It seems so simple, but it all adds up.
It takes around 6 minutes for your brain to register thirst, so keep a water bottle with you at all times to remember to drink.
9. Use guided imagery or meditation.
We all know that our brains can be our most significant stressors, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it control us. Guided imagery and meditation are two ways to take back control of your thoughts by getting them out of your head and onto paper where you can see them objectively. Give this relaxation strategy a try every day.
10. Practice gratitude daily – focus on things you’re grateful for instead of what’s wrong in your life.
Doing some simple acts of gratitude each day will result in an overwhelming sense of empowerment as well as the ability to recognize how many fantastic resources you have access to right now. For example, try to write down at least three things you’re grateful for before bed each night and see how much better you feel.
11. Journaling is another excellent way to reduce stress.
Journaling is a great way to get all the things stressing us out on paper so we can stop thinking about it, clear our minds, and move on. So whether it’s just five minutes before bed or during your morning commute, try journaling as a way to release pent-up frustration.

12. Have a sense of humor about your daily mom life.
Make sure that you have some funny movies or shows saved up on your Netflix account because laughter is the best medicine for reducing stress. In addition, having a positive mindset can help you see the lighter side of situations to avoid getting bogged down by minor inconveniences.
13. Be mindful about how often you consume alcohol.
Alcohol is another one of those substances that catch up with us at the worst times, so it’s essential to be aware if we’re drinking too much. In addition, alcohol consumption raises cortisol levels in our bodies which causes more stress and anxiety, so be careful not to drink too frequently or excessively.
14. Give yourself permission to not to be perfect.
Perfectionism is probably one of the biggest contributors to stress because we’re never satisfied with our results and always strive for something better. However, by allowing yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, you will discover an inner sense of relief and enjoy life more.
15. Relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, qi gong.
Finding time to relax is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health because it allows you to take a step back from stressors and appreciate what’s going well in your life. Yoga scientifically reduces stress hormone levels, so give this relaxation strategy a try today.
I like starting my day with gentle yoga stretches, and it makes such a difference in how my mornings go.
16. Try new things.
Always wanted to learn how to sculpt or bake? Now is the perfect opportunity because trying something new is a great way to relieve pent-up stress. The sense that “If I try this, then I might fail” comes from our minds projecting future scenarios where we do not meet expectations. The more things you try, the more confident you will feel in life.
17. Laugh more.
Another scientifically proven method to reduce stress is laughter therapy because it releases endorphins in our brain, giving us that natural high that everyone desires. Watching a funny show or YouTube video can help us overcome the stress mindset and find some relief.
18. Create boundaries between work and home life.
Having clear-cut days where your mind says, “Today I’m on vacation-mode” will let your stressed-out mind rest easy knowing what to expect tomorrow. By creating boundaries between work and home life by planning specific days off or blocking social media at night, we can increase our willpower and focus on the task at hand.
19. Avoid multitasking.
I’ve been there – trying to finish everything we need to do before the end of the day, but instead of checking off each “to-do” from the list, it overwhelms and causes more stress. Unfortunately, multitasking is not only a productivity killer.
Multi-tasking research shows it decreases creativity and makes you less effective overall. So turn off your phone for a few hours today and narrow down your work tasks into specific chunks.
20. Keep your surroundings decluttered.
Having many things lying around that you aren’t proud of will keep you in a stressed-out state of mind because clutter creates anxiety. It’s hard to figure out where to start, so as you go along, try focusing on one area of the house and decluttering it completely.
21. Develop healthy coping skills.
The first step to reducing stress is to notice when we’re feeling overwhelmed and then take a moment to breathe – we should never be in a state of panic because our minds and bodies need time to come back down from an intense experience. We can do this by training ourselves to identify feelings of anxiety or fear earlier through meditation or calm breathing exercises before they escalate into overwhelming experiences.
22. Stop worrying about things you can’t control.
We all (no matter how young or old) need to know what we want in life, but constantly worrying about things that are out of our control will only make us feel more stressed.
So the next time you find yourself obsessing over something, try journaling or talking to someone close, so it doesn’t destroy your peace of mind.
23. Focus on your wellbeing and make it a priority.
Keeping yourself in a positive mental state by focusing on things like gratitude and practicing loving-kindness meditation can keep you motivated, confident, and ready to face the day ahead.
In addition, keeping the energy up within ourselves makes us less likely to attract negative experiences or people, which helps us relieve stress even more.
Continue with: 19 Amazing Things that Happen When You Learn to Love Yourself