Essential Oils for Happiness and Energy

I don’t know what I would do without my essential oils for happiness and energy-boosting. There are various essential oils for moms that give a feeling of happiness, more energy, better rest, reduce anxiety or feelings of sadness, and increase your emotional well-being.
Having used essentials for 20+ years, I will share the ultimate list of essential oils for mothers, including essential oil diffuser blends and recipes for relaxation, calm, and mood-boosting.
Aromatherapy is a non-invasive complementary intervention to promote physio-psychological comfort in postpartum women.
You’re a mom, so you know that it is true what they say, “the days are long, but the years are short.” But, as much as you adore and love your little ones, your body, mind, and soul are full “on” when you’re mothering.
Some days can feel harder than others when it comes to motherhood, and we all could use as many natural resources as possible to help us be at our best mothering days.
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I mean, there’s so much coffee can do, right?
Especially when we have plant-medicine to helps us feel energized, calmer, and better about ourselves and the world around us. (Nothing wrong with coffee…I love mine!)
There are hundreds of articles online about essential oils. But you’re a savvy, careful mom. You want to use essential oils, but you may not know which are all the oils for you and, most importantly, how to use them safely.
My story with essential oils as a busy mom.
I started using essential oils twenty years ago. My love for these magical oils grew, and eventually, I added Aromatherapist to my long list of certifications.
At this point, I have over 400+ hours of aromatherapy and herbalism education behind me. And I consider myself a student for life when it comes to plant medicine.
I use essential oils regularly, and I can tell you that many benefits are evidence-based for mothers and essential oils. I experience these benefits every day as a mother myself.
When aromatherapy became mainstream, some companies began to give usage information that was not the safest (read also “Why I Do Not Use doTerra or Young Living”), but certainly got you to use essential oils as much as possible (and buy more!). And as an aromatherapist, it was hard to navigate that messaging because I was happy that more moms were using essential oils but also concerned since the advice by these companies had the potential to really harm people.
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant oils, whereas herbs are the leaves, flowers, or roots of medicinal plants. To produce a small bottle of Jasmine essential oil takes thousands of Jasmine flower petals. Despite what that friend who sells essential oils says, these should be used sparingly with a respect to the many plants needed to make essential oils.
You’ll learn which essential oils are safe for moms to use for mood-boosting and happiness.
Essential Oils for Feeling Happy and Mood-Boosting
These little glass bottles of essential oils are genuinely magical.
The research supports the benefits of essential oils. One study found that when inhaling Lavender and Bergamot either as a single essential oil or in a mixture with other essential oils, mothers experienced relief to their depressive symptoms.
In another study, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary were found to decrease fatigue (because we could always use more energy in our lives as mothers).
So, only does aromatherapy smell amazing, but it also provides us with non-invasive, therapeutic benefits.

Here are essential oils that moms should always have at home.
There are many essential oils for happiness and energy available to you, and in this list, I’m focusing on mom-friendly essential oils.
Here’s my complete list of essential oils I recommend. Because moms often ask me which brands I use, I linked to where I get most of my essential oils.
*If you’re pregnant, skip Clary Sage (there’s a chance it can induce labor) and consider using it in labor and for sure in postpartum. Also during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, you should avoid using all essential oils. And finally, with young children around, avoid peppermint.
Minimalist list of Essential Oils for Moms
In many ways I’m a minimalist at heart, and if you are too, here’s a simplified list of essential oils I recommend for mothers.
Comprehensive Happiness Essential Oils Blends for Moms
Knowing which essential oils to use for specific purposes can feel overwhelming. So, here’s a simple way to know the various uses of essential oils for moms.
Essential oils to reduce stress and anxiety and give you overall emotional wellness.
Essential oils to help you fall asleep and sleep well.
Energizing and mood-boosting essential oils.
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Essential oils to help you focus and be more alert.
- Peppermint
- Rosemary (by the way, also Lemon)
Essential oils to get your groove back and feel your feminine power activated.
Essential oils for when you feel depressed.
VIVITEST Aromatherapy Diffuser,Ceramic Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser for Aromatherapy (250ML)BUY ON AMAZON
How to Use an Essential Oil Diffuser at Home
Inhalation essential oils using a diffuser (here’s the diffuser I recommend to holistic healing clients) will be the quickest and easiest way for you to receive the benefits of essential oils (not to mention the safest as well!). In the majority of the studies, the benefits of essential oils were received solely by inhalation.
For example, one study found that inhaling Lavender‘s scent for four weeks can prevent stress, anxiety, and depression after childbirth.
You can make essential oil room sprays and spray them into the room (see recipe below), but I prefer to use a high-quality diffuser (like this one here, here or here) to send the aroma into my space.
How Does an Essential Oil Diffuser Work?
An aromatherapy diffuser combines the essential oil with water and will mist it into the room. A good essential oil diffuser has an on/off feature that mists the room for a certain amount of time and then stops, and continues again.
I keep a diffuser in each bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen (basically any space where we gather).
Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Moms
I’m focusing on you as the mother in this blog post, but I tend to stay with Peppermint, Bergamot or Rosemary (day time) or Lavender (evening) for the kid’s bedroom.
Reviving Morning Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Not only does this blend revive you after a night’s sleep, but also helps you be energized and focused for the morning.
- 5 drops of Lavender
- 5 drops of Sweet Orange
- 5 drops of Peppermint
Soothing Evening Essential Oil Blend
A great blend as you enter the later part of the day. For me, being on with my kids most of the day, by around 5pm, I start to hit a slump. This blend helps me reset and enter the evening dinner time with more energy, while also bringing calmness to the home.
- 3 drops of Rose
- 5 drops of Ylang Ylang
(these are stronger scents, so I tend to need less than usual)
Goddess Essential Oil Blend
This blend is a lovely blend to add to your bedroom.
- 1 drop of Jasmine
- 3 drops of Rose
- 2 drop of Ylang ylang
Sleepy Time Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
I keep this blend pretty straightforward and simple, using the oils to induce sleep and give us all a calming, restful night.
Essential Oils Blends for Bath
I know that as a mom you may not always get time for a long soothing bath, but when you do, I recommend this blend.
Mom Bath Essential Oil Recipe
This essential oils bath blend is for the much-needed time to enjoy a long bath, mixed into a carrier oil like jojoba oil (this is the one I use).
10 drops of Lavender, Bergamot, or Rose mixed into Jojoba oil and swished into your bathwater.
You’ll want 10 drops total, and you’re able to add drops from either of those essential oils.
DIY Essential Oil Room Spray
I keep two essential oil room spray—one in the car and one for a quick refreshing aromatherapy boost.
Happy Place Car Essential Oil Spray
You’ll need a glass spray bottle like this one, filled with distilled water. Mix in these oils and shake. Spray as needed when the car’s energy/vibe with you or the kids need a vibe shift.
Essential Oil Mood-Boost Spray
As with the above mister, you’ll also need a glass spray bottle and distilled water.
- 15 drops of Clary Sage
- 10 drops of Lavender
Using Aromatherapy As Part of Deeper Healing
Essential oils are a mother’s best friend. They are nature’s holistic, non-invasive way to bring you peace and relaxation or energy when you need it. Easy ways to use essential oils are in diffusers, sprays, or your bath.
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